
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 6:00/ Closed on Weekends

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Forest and Wildlife

Explore your interests in the sector of Forestry and wildlife.

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Social sciences

Awareness about Green jobs

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Explore New Technologies and Techniques of Management.



To allow short-term exposure to youth about working of the different sections of the Department of Forests and Wildlife, GNCTD (herein referred as “Department”) as ‘Interns’.



Duration of the internship will be decided by the Department based on domain selected by candidate and shall not exceed more than 90 days in normal circumstances. Only in cases wherein a significant work has been done by an intern and can be taken to logical conclusion, PCCF may give extension of maximum one month

Eligibility Criteria:

The internship training is open only to students who are studying from recognized schools, institutions and universities.

Preference will be given to those with clear Statement of Purpose of internship.

Must have attained 18 years of age.

Educational Qualifications: Students with following qualifications will be considered on merit basis:

  • i. Pursuing Science, Forestry, Ecology, Computer Science, Electronic engineering and related courses:

    Second year and above of bachelor's degree and Integrated 5-year course in Science, Forestry, Ecology and related courses.

    Higher secondary in science stream.

  • ii. Pursuing Commerce, Economics and Management courses as under:

    BA/B. Sc /MA/M. Sc. (Eco.).

    Students of 5 years integrated degree programme in Economics.


  • iii. Pursuing Law as under:

    Second and third year of Bachelor's degree in law or

    Second year and above of the integrated five-year course in Law.


  • iv. Higher secondary:

    Higher secondary in Science and Commerce stream.

Procedure for Application:

Interested applicants shall apply online only in the website of the Department of Forests and Wildlife, GNCTD for internship.

The application should be made preferably 3 months in advance of the desired time period, clearly mentioning the period for which internship is being applied.

Interns must clearly indicate the area of interest.

The interns shall have the option to apply in maximum 3 (three) disciplines only.

Applicants are required to submit a Statement of purpose (SoP)for applying for internship in not more than 1000 words. The SoP should broadly cover reasons for interest in field, relevance of their skill set in selected domain and expected contribution in domain selected by them.

The final topic of internship and domainshall be decided as per requirement of the Department by Research Advisory Committee.

The applicant shall be required to submit the supporting document of qualification and/or enrolment in Educational institutes. They may also submit document to support additional skill sets for supporting their application.

At the time of joining on selection, applicants shall be required to produce a letter from their Supervisor/Head of Department/Principal, if applicable, indicating their status in the Institution and "No Objection" for allowing their student to undergo Internship programme for the period for which he or she is selected. I/74999/2023

The applications found incomplete or not fulfilling criteria laid down as above will be summarily rejected.

Applications from the applicants who have already completed internship scheme in this Department shall not be entertained.

The application form format is annexed herewith as Annexure-II.

Procedure for Selection and other Modalities of the Scheme:

The application submitted by applicant shall be scrutinized and approved by Research Advisory Committee of Department of Forests & Wildlife, Government of NCT of Delhi purely on merit basis.

Preference will be given to the applicants who can create new opportunities/ idea in their SoP to cater to the requirement of the Department.

Terms and Conditions of selection:

Each Guide (Officers of the rank ACF and above) can have maximum of 10 interns at a time.

The interns shall be required to write a paper /detail account of work done on management of natural resources related themes/issues and of relevance of their work to the Department.

The interns if required may be asked to participate in related activities like training and research in the Department.

A senior officer of the Department will be assigned to each intern as ‘Guide’ by Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, GNCTD or officer authorized by Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, GNCTD. The intern will prepare the paper under the guidance of his Guide.

The intern will submit a draft report of the assignment to the designated officer (Guide) before conclusion of the internship.

The intern may be required to make a presentation before the Department at the end of internship, after clearance by the respective Guide.

The intern shall work within the premises of the Department and move outside only after due permission from the Guide during working hours. The Department shall provide all support to the intern as the case may be for successful completion of internship.

The final product of the internship shall be the intellectual property of the Department and the intern shall not use it without prior approval of the Department.

Interns shall be under the discipline of the Department during the period of internship.

The attendance record and the details of work supervision shall be maintained by the Guide.

It may be strictly observed that the conduct of the interns and their access to data shall be the sole responsibility of the concerned Guide only. Prior permission to be required from Guide before accessing any information from the Department.

The internship may be discontinued any time if the performance of the intern is not found satisfactory.

The students will not have any claim for job in the Department of Forests and Wildlife, GNCTD.

The Department of Forests and Wildlife, GNCTD reserves the right to review the scheme at any time. The Scheme so reviewed will be placed on the website of Department.

Logistics & Support:

Facilities like transportation to work site, printing of study material, etc. required for successful completion to internship shall be provided by the Department.

Experience Certificate:

At the end of the successful completion of internship, the interns will be awarded a "Certificate”along with a grading based on the performance of the intern. .


No stipend shall be paid.

fun fact

We handle everything for you!

Application Recieved 745
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Application Approved 74
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Internship Completed 12
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List of domains/areas for which Internship is available

Minimum 3 Months
  • a. Seed collection
  • b. Seed storage
  • c. Standardizing seed processing
  • d. Raising seedlings
  • e. Identification of new technologies of raising seedlings
  • f. Development of germplasm
  • g. Any other issue related to conservation

Minimum 1 Monnths
  • a. Creation of plantation
  • b. Maintenance of plantation
  • c. Maintenance of records like plantation journal
  • d. Impact of plantation
  • e. Identification of suitable species based on soil condition
  • f. Soil testing
  • g. Soil treatment
  • h. Soil moisture conservation planning
  • i. Soil moisture conservation implementation
  • j. Soil moisture conservation and its effects
  • k. Any other work related to plantation and soil moisture conservation

Minimum 1 Months
  • a. Audit of plantation and nurseries
  • b. Audit of transplantation
  • c. Planning of trainings
  • d. Tree census

Minimum 3 Months
  • a. Spatial and temporal analysis of forest areas and encroachment.
  • b. Usage of Total station and DGPS in ground
  • c. Application of Autocad, QGIS, ArcGIS, etc.
  • d. Application of drones

Minimum 3 Months
  • a. Wildlife census
  • b. Wildlife rescue
  • c. Wildlife habitat management
  • d. Awareness activities
  • e. Human animal conflict
  • f. Analysis of Wildlife related crimes

Minimum 1 Months
  • a. Planning and conducting training and awareness program
  • b. Preparation of brochures for training and awareness programs

Minimum 2 Months
  • a. Analysis of existing policies and their impacts
  • b. Possibility of rationalization and streamlining of existing Acts and policies
  • c. Assisting in preparation of legal documents like affidavits, status reports, etc.
  • d. Monitoring of ongoing cases
  • e. Analysis of issues coming up in cases and identification of ways to reduce legal cases.

Minimum 3 Months
  • a. Assessment of existing manpower and its deployment
  • b. Analysis of existing working conditions and suggestions to improve if any
  • c. Improvement of Human resource management processes in Department
  • d. Up skilling requirement of manpower

Minimum 2 Months
  • a. Development of new websites
  • b. Improving UI/UX of existing websites
  • c. Developing mobile applications
  • d. Developing GIS enables websites
  • e. Application of Blockchain technology

  • 1. Maintenance of records of accounts
  • 2. Including new software for better account management Internal auditing of account